Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our balding baby

Maybe one of the reasons Hannah is being mistaken for a little fella is that she is balding quite nicely in the back. Since she now sleeps on her tummy we got rid of the flat spot (mostly), but we have replaced it with hairless patterns now. Hannah's Grandpa Jim has the opposite balding pattern as her, so I think if they got their hair together we could end up with one full head of hair! (We will work on that when we see you next month, Jim.)

Here are some pictures of Grandpa Jim's complimentary balding pattern.

Here is a shot from the front. This is my mom and Jim at my brother's wedding in 2000.

Cool like her cousin

Hannah's cousin Bryce has some crazy fun hair, so Hannah wanted to be stylin like him. Jason's favorite thing to do after bath time is to give her these funky hairdos, so we thought Bryce might enjoy these. You can really see the red hair coming out in these pictures as well.

This one is for the grandparents...

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Here were some pictures of Hannah as she prepared for and watched the Auburn football team upset (read: ANNIHILATE) the Florida Gators.

Let the fun begin!

Well, I am pretty sure we are in the teething phase now. Our sweet, content little one has turned into a fussy and restless baby. I am sure there will be many more fun days ahead with more drool (can it get any worse???!!!), more gnawing, and more tears.
Here are some funny comics I found relating to this baby phase (let's hope it is just a phase - and a quick one!).

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Our "little fella"

For some reason there have been numerous occassions lately when Hannah has been referred to in public as a "cute little fella." This is not because she is in blue or any other little 'boy' colors, in fact, it is usually when she is in cute little 'girl' clothes. I guess we are doomed to have total strangers refer to her as a "fella" until she actully looks like a little girl. Maybe this has to do with the fact that she looks so much like her daddy! Who even uses the word "fella" anymore...I have not heard this used until recently and only in reference to Hannah (grrr!)
Anyway, I would never dream of taking her out in public in this outfit, even though I think it is absolutely adorable! She would be mistaken all over for a boy....even though it says "sweet girl" on it. I guess we are going to have to start wearing more bows with our blue and green outfits.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I still cannot believe that I get to see this cute face each and every day...what a blessing from God!
If these don't make you smile, I don't know what will.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Just some cute shots....

We don't get many of these "snuggle" moments anymore. Hannnah is too busy playing and looking around for this, so I steal them when I can...which is usually when she is asleep.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Our ultra compassionate child

Last night I was having a bit of a rough night (I am better now) but Hannah was less than compassionate in my fragile state. I was nursing her and talking with Jason at the same time. Tears began to flow as I was pouring my heart out to Jason. In the mean time, Hannah quit nursing and began giggling uncontrollably at me. At first I tried to ignore it and continued talking with Jason. But eventually, she won out, and I could not contain my laughter. So, I learned that she is not cut out to be a counselor (Sorry Alair and Beth). She seemed to think it was hilarious that I was crying! So, take note, if you are needing some sympathy and a shoulder to cry on...don't do it around Hannah, unless you are ready to be laughed at - which actually tends to dry the tears up pretty quickly.

This picture has nothing to do with the above post, I just thought it was cute!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Magazine Melee

The 4 of us took a nice leisurely stroll to the mailbox today (it is located at the apartment complex office) to pick up the mail. When we returned and Hannah began looking at one of the catalogs that we got, the following melee ensued...

And here was the aftermath. Too bad neither of the offending parties knows how to pick up after themselves (at least not yet!).

There is always something going on at the Whitlark household!

No one told me this....

I was talking to a friend the other night about losing the "baby belly" that never quite goes away after pregnancy. Her doctor told her to do 50 crunches everyday for 6 months and that will do the trick (we shall see). So, Jason and I have set out to do 50 crunches every night (Yes, he has the baby belly too).
Well, let me tell you, I could not do 1 full sit up! NO JOKE! If my life, or anyone else's life, depended on doing 1 full sit up last night, we would all be in trouble! I know that my muscles were stretched out and everything, but 1 full sit up could not be that hard to do. Most of my crunches last night consisted of lifting my neck off the floor. I spent most of the time laughing hysterically so I would not cry over how sad the whole picture really was (it was pretty funny though, Jason thoroughly got a kick out of my inability to do a sit up). So, now I am on a mission to strengthen these sorry muscles. No one told me this wonderful part of post partum!

P.S. It is 7:30am and the baby is still asleep! WOOHOO! She went to bed at 8:30pm last night and is still going strong! I on the other hand, keep checking on her every 10 minutes to make sure she is still OK.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The great baby distractors

I LOVE wrist wrattles. Only, we don't put them on Hannah's wrists, we put them on her ankles. They keep her entertained mainly while we are driving in the car. But, as you can see here, they are fascinating to her.
Thanks for these Leigh...they are lifesavers!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Reading with Daddy

Jason is teaching a Sunday School class right now on Romans, so he decided to have Hannah help him prepare for his lesson. She was giving him some pointers.

If you look closely the book is actually upside down...we really need to work on this reading thing!

First taste of cereal...

Well, I am not actually sure how much she tasted of the cereal. We tried it for the first time Friday night and again last night. Most of it ended up on her clothes, arms, face, and hair. She is working at manipulating the spoon in her mouth and actually trying to swallow some of the cereal. She seemed to enjoy it though and actually kept holding her hands out trying to grab at the bowl of cereal. For now, we are going to give her 1 meal of cereal at dinner time. We have already noticed that she has slept a bit better at night after "eating" cereal. Last night she went to bed at 8:30 and this morning I had to wake her up at 7am (she normally gets up at 6am) to feed was wonderful! I have a video to post of her eating, but here are some pictures for now.

I think bath time will be permanently moved to the evenings since she makes quite a mess of herself after eating.

Friday, September 14, 2007

4 months old

Hannah is 4 months old today; can you belive it?! She had her doctor visit this morning and all went well (besides a few tears). Here are her stats:

Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz (54th percentile)
Height: 25.5 in (81st percentile)
Head: 17 in (92nd percentile)

She is still very long and lean but the doctor was pleased with her weight gain. She is allowed to begin cereal now, but we will not begin baby food until 6 months. The doctor wanted us to continue just nursing with only 1 meal of cereal each day since she is clearly growing and doing well with just breastmilk. We can begin 2 meals of cereal next month sometime.
We also got shots (UCK!) but she did farely well. The delayed crying that babies do cracks me up. In fact, they gave her the first shot and she didn't react. I thought that we had a very well behaved baby, but then, about 10 seconds later she started wailing. Oh well, it was a good thought!

Molly update: for those of you following our suicidal dog story, Molly also had a doctor visit today. They took blood to check her liver and kidneys for damage from the Advil. The doctor said her liver counts looked "excellent" and her kidney counts were "within normal range." So, it looks like Molly is out of the woods and fully recovered from her little stunt 2 weeks ago. Thanks for your prayers and encouragment on her behalf.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's cute for now...

I caught Hannah napping the other day with her thumb in her mouth. It was adorable but as I started snapping pictures of her I realized that this could be the start of something bad...

They sell contraptions for kids to break them of the habit of thumbsucking...YIKES!

She could even have dental problems requiring thousands of dollars of braces to correct.

She could even be like this guy who clearly needs some help to break his habit.

But then I just looked at her cute face again and decided not to wake a sleeping (and very content) baby with her thumb in her mouth. I guess we better begin a "dental" fund now.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blowing raspberries

It seems like everyday Hannah has a new favorite activity. Now it is blowing raspberries. I think she just likes the sound of it. Also, why is it called blowing raspberries? Jason still doesn't believe that other people (besides me) call it this. I don't think that I am crazy but I believe that I have heard this term used before in reference to this activity.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Poor little frog...

I am sure this little toy frog always desired to live out his life as a happy bath toy with a sweet little kid like Hannah, but alas it was not meant to be. My mom bought this frog for Hannah when she was out here but unfortunately Hannah will never have the joy of taking a bath with said frog. Froggy now lives out his days clamped in the jaws of our 'ferocious' dog.
For those of you who know about Molly's suicide attempt last weekend (she ingested about 30 Advil liquid gels) you will know why Jason and I now have a hard time saying no to her cute little face when she pines for Hannah's toys. Poor little frog!